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Summer 2014

You can check out the digital version of the mag here. Find print copies of the mag around the region soon.

SpankRockInside01Here is the table of contents from the SPANK ISSUE:

COVER STORY: Spank Rock (above) makes music that makes you want to dance. But he says that he’s also sending you a message.

RRSTcoverSmallCOVER STORY: Two music-loving women (right) noticed there weren’t a lot of places selling gothic or rock ‘n’ roll-themed sex toys. So they launched their own business, Rock ‘n’ Roll Sex Toys.

COVER STORY: Check out our Festival Guide, complete with a pull-out centerfold and details of the major events.

COVER STORY: Tommy Joyner created MilkBoy Recording above Zapf’s Music Store in North Philly in 1994. Twenty years later, Milkboy is a musical empire.

COVER STORY: Nearly every night, at bars around town, a dedicated crew of karaoke regulars entertain (and annoy) the masses.

COVER STORY: John Whitehead, who created one of the most iconic songs connected to Philadelphia, was murdered 10 years ago. His death remains a mystery.

Music & Politics: Jodie Milkman is helping to program the riverfront with music and amenities so that you may actually visit the waterfront.

This Place Rocks: The Woodmere Art Museum offers live jazz and local art. The Dolphin brings dancers to South Philly.

Music & Education: Music is a key component at the Universal Charter Schools, which were started by Philly music legend Kenny Gamble.

Food That Rocks: Boot & Saddle opened last fall and immediately became a hot spot for live music. But the club also serves delicious food and fancy cocktails.

Inside Voice: Philly musician Arrah Fisher quit her job, left her band and traveled around the world for six months with very little planned except for the starting point. And it was life-changing.

Publisher’s Note: Growing up is for suckers.

MumblrSmall01The JUMP Off features:

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