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Summer 2018: The JUMP or Die Issue.


Here is the table of contents from summer 2018 issue:

COVER STORY: Low Cut Connie makes super fun party music. But there’s more to the band that puts on one of the most outrageous live shows around.

HeavySlimeCoverOnlineCOVER STORY: No Thank You’s latest album reflects on the loss of two key figures in the life of the band.

COVER STORY: Chuck Treece grew up skateboarding and making punk music. At 53, he’s still skating. And still making music.

Music & Education: Paul Green found massive success the first time he created a music school in Philly. He left for a while, franchised his school and then sold off the whole business. He’s back now, running the Paul Green Rock Academy.

This Place Rocks: Rock to the Future offers free music traning to Philly kids but the goal isn’t to build the next rock stars. They want to grow good citizens … who may become rock stars, as well.

Food That Rocks: Warmdaddy’s has been a home for jazz and R&B, as well as a home for Southern cooking, since 1995. The loyal audiences attend shows and build community seven days per week.

Inside Voices: The Menzingers’ Tom May writes about moving to Philly and watching everything change. Kississippi and Queen of Jeans are both having monumental years. We introduced the two bands and then listened as they talked about their new projects.


The JUMP Off features:

Etheric Felines, The Necrosexual, RFA, Working on Dying, Eric Wortham, Cherry, Thee Glitterbombs, Square Peg Round Hole, Deadfellow, The Whips, Korine, Loafass and Straw Hats.